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Vasilios Alexiades


Department of Mathematics
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-1320
Dept Office: (865) 974-2461

alexiades (at) utk (dot) edu

I am an applied mathematician and computational scientist , working on modeling, analysis, and computation of realistic physical processes in scientific and technological problems arising in biological, materials, energy, and environmental applications. The common thread is that they all involve conservation laws (expressing conservation of energy/mass/momentum) which are nonlinear (systems of) Partial Differential Equations.

List of topics/projects I have worked on
Number of publications: 90

Teaching THIS semester   Fall 2019
  • Math 171 Computer Literacy for Mathematics:   TR 2:10-3:25, Ayres G004
  • Math 371 Numerical Algorithms   TR 12:40-1:55, Ayres A111
    Teaching NEXT semester   Spring 2020
  • Math 475 Industrial Mathematics   TR 5:05-6:20, Ayres 114
    I was born and raised in Xanthi , Greece. I studied Mathematics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, graduating in 1971, and came to the U.S. to pursue graduate studies. I completed a Master's Degree at St.Louis University in 1973, and another one and the PhD at the University of Delaware in 1977. After a year at the University of Texas, Austin, I came to UTK in 1978, where I have been Assistant Professor(1978-83), Associate Professor (1983-9), and Professor. For 30 years (1980-2011), I was also a part-time researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, collaborating with scientists and engineers on various projects.

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