March 21-23, 2025
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For more information please get in touch with us at siamseas25@utk.edu
- Vasileios Maroulas, UTK, (chair)
- Ohannes Karakashian, UTK
- Bhargav Karamched, FSU
- Duc Nguyen, UTK
- Ioannis Sgouralis, UTK
- Miroslav Stoyanov, ORNL
- Steven Wise, UTK
How to Participate
- To organize a mini-symposium email the following to siamseas25@utk.edu
- organizers’ affiliations
- a title and paragraph description
- a list of potential speakers
- in the email subject include “Mini-symposium: First Last Name, University”
- Each mini-symposium session should include four 25-minute talks, with 5 minutes allocated for questions after each talk. Mini-symposia can consist of up to three sessions.
- To present a contributed talk email the following to siamseas25@utk.edu
- title
- abstract
- in the email subject include “Contributed Talk: First Last Name, University”
- To present a poster email the following to siamseas25@utk.edu
- title
- abstract
- in the email subject include “Poster: First Last Name, University”