MEET OUR FACULTY Click the links below to learn more about and to find contact information for our distinguished faculty. PROFESSORS ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS ASSISTANT PROFESSORS PROFESSOR EMERITI JOINT PROFESSORS JOINT FACULTY WITH ORNL ADJUNCT FACULTY POSTDOCS TEACHING PROFESSORS & DISTINGUISHED LECTURERS TEACHING ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS & SENIOR LECTURERS TEACHING ASSISTANT PROFESSORS & LECTURERS TERM LECTURERS POSTDOCS Letian ChenPostdoctoral Associatelchen63@utk.eduProfileEfstathios K Chrontsios GaritsisPostdoctoral Associateechronts@utk.eduProfileToai LuongPostdoctoral Associatetluong4@utk.eduProfileWyatt MackeyPostdoctoral AssociateProfileJeremy WattsPostdoctoral AssociateProfile