The Junior Colloquium (JC) is a series of talks intended for students interested in mathematics or related subjects, started in the fall of 2002. The JC takes place on select Thursdays at 4:00 in the fourth floor colloquium room of Ayres Hall. The JC attracts a large and diverse audience, and students at all levels (and even faculty) are invited to attend. Anyone interested in announcements about the JC (who is not already on the UTKMATH or seminarlist e-mail lists) will find information on the Tennessee Today web site.
Previous subjects have ranged from quaternions to soap bubbles to tornadoes, and previous speakers have included UT faculty and invited visitors from other universities. Potential speakers should contact Remus Nicoara (rnicoara at utk dot edu) in the Math Department for more information.
For those interested in speaking, here are some hints about what is expected:
- Talks should be accessible to anyone with a good understanding of basic calculus. If substantial portions of the talk require a higher level of mathematics then the necessary background should be mentioned in the abstract.
- Ideally, talks should appeal to a wide audience, which often includes engineering and other non-math majors.
- Faculty may give talks as often as they wish–keep your notes/slides for future use! However, the same talk may be given at most once in any two consecutive years.
- It is OK to use a talk to advertise an area of mathematics or a career field, but the main purpose of the talk should be to to tell an interesting story about problem(s) in theoretical or applied mathematics.