Guannan Zhang

Guannan Zhang
Joint Faculty Professor with ORNL
Dr. Guannan Zhang is a Senior Research Staff in Machine Learning and Data Analytics Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). He studied mathematics at Shandong University in China, receiving my Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He earned my Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Florida State University in 2012, under the supervision of Prof. Max Gunzburger. He joined ORNL in 2012 as the Householder fellow in the Computational and Applied Mathematics Group within Computer Science and Mathematics Division. He received the DOE Early Career Award in 2022. He has been holding a joint faculty appointment with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University since 2014.
Guannan’s research interests include high-dimensional approximation, uncertainty quantification, machine learning and artificial intelligence, stochastic optimization and control, numerical solution of stochastic differential equations, and model reduction for parametrized differential equations.