Sergey Gavrilets

529 Dabney-Buehler Hall
Sergey Gavrilets
Distinguished Professor in EEB
Sergey Gavrilets
Distinguished Professor in EEB
I use mathematical models and agent-based simulations to study complex evolutionary processes in biological and social systems. Over the last several years, my research interests have mostly concentrated on the following areas:
– Human origins
– The evolution of social complexity
– Human behavior in cooperation and conflict
– Cultural evolution
– Social norms and beliefs
– Social institutions
Previously I have also worked on
– Speciation and biological diversification
– Sexual conflict and sexual selection
– Coevolution and frequency-dependent selection
– Fitness landscapes
– Dynamics and maintenance of genetic variation
– Phenotypic plasticity and genotype-environment interaction
Ph.D., Moscow State University
- Mathematical Biology
- Biological, social, and cultural evolution. Human origins. Social complexity, conflict, and cooperation in historical and modern societies.