Training classes are now available as Math 309. Earlier they ran as extracurricular activities. Math 309 is repeatable, 1 credit hour, with S/NC grading.
Individuals interested need to sign up at the Math Department Main Office, Ayres 227, or contact Jochen Denzler, Ayres 317 to the same effect. The purpose is to get info on the participants early, for scheduling as well as (partly individualized) content planning purposes. At signup, you will be asked to fill out a form with questions serving this purpose. Putnam training classes are usually useful for strong students only. At this moment, there seems to be no reason to define or enforce formal “eligibility requirements”, so the procedure of personal signup serves only the planning purposes stated. You decide if the course is for you, and you are welcome to ask me ( if in doubt.
Please: If you have filled out the form and your timetable changes (due to drop of and/or signup for another course), keep me up-to-date. To this end, I request that you retain a copy of the filled out schedule form, and a blank copy for updates.